

Brent and Allyson were been involved in leadership since the early 1980s while in college, leading youth groups and missions teams between 1986 and 1993 while living in Coalinga.

In 1993 they joined the staff of Agua Viva Ministries, Brent as Administrative Director. During his time at that position and later as Executive Director, Brent handled the ministry budget, board accountability, staff management, vision and mission casting, and policy making. He worked arduously on infrastructure and the camp building program, registered the different aspects of the ministry with the Mexican government and helped secure the land for ministry use for future generations.

Allyson formed a summer-staff program that continues to this day, and revived a nearly defunct seminary by obtaining funding, empowering Mexicans to serve in the administration, and building an identity and value set for the ministry.

Since their teens, Justin and Rosita have been leading youth group gatherings, counseling large groups of youth at christian camps, and leading teams of worship musicians. After marrying in 2017, they launched small discipleship groups at Vino Nuevo, which continue to this day, and joined Reflect Ministries, which runs children and youth camps in Latin America.

When COVID-19 hit, Justin formed a team and together they launched the church’s online presence, including social media channels and interactive livestream services. As the church returned to in-person gatherings, Justin has remained close to the church’s leadership, helping to organize and produce the services at the highest level. 

These years of experience, combined with on-going training and classes, are the platform by which we will be developing ministries in the different communities (see Communities).

Through EPIC Ministries, we seek to:
• Work with Pastors/Missionaries who are struggling to structure a young church plant;
• Work with Pastors of established churches who are experiencing growth and/or a new stage of ministry which may be helped through new perspectives or restructuring.
To implement this, we will:
• Spend time with the Pastor, hearing the needs according to his point of view;
• Form a plan with the pastor based on the teaching resources we bring;
• Teach the pastor, leaders and community in general;
• Help to implement the teaching;
• Evaluate the process with the pastor, making adjustments if necessary.
How it Works
We continually seek out formal training in different ministry areas from different state-side organizations. We then take what we have learned, along with books and workbooks and other resources, and we translate it all. Then we take it out to the communities.
We think of it like a tool box. A friend hands us a tool (by training us in an area of ministry). We modify it for use in Mexico (translate it, adjusting for culture where beneficial), put it in the toolbox (make workbooks and teaching notes), and take the toolbox out to our friends throughout Mexico.
We show them the tool box, and we say, “All these tools (teaching resources) are here for your use. Which ones do you need? How can we help you use them?” Then we teach what our friends ask for.
Sometimes it might be in a large group setting with a definite time limit. Other times it might be just used in conversation under a shade tree with the pastor. The delivery varies according to the setting and specific needs of the local community, making the best of the resources acquired for the benefit of the kingdom.
More on our ministries
For more details about the specific ministry programs we currently offer, check out the following pages: